Filmed Obscura
Horror and thriller fans gather around. We invite you to listen as we watch two obscure horror/thriller movies a month and then BLOW YOUR MIND with our thoughts, opinions and insight on the films. Sometimes thought-provoking and informative but mostly ludicrous and fun, Filmed Obscura is your gateway into rare, obscure, hard to find and just plain awesome films (except one-you'll see). We also drink local beer. Thanks for listening. Hosted by Justin Adkins and Chris Herdter.
Filmed Obscura
Ep. 56: Top 5 Blind Buys/Raw Force
Justin Adkins & Chris Herdter
Season 7
Episode 56
Happy Almost Thanksgiving friends! The boys are back after a little delay. Apologies are warranted because Justin and Chris had some scheduling issues that prevented them from recording and releasing the new episode in October. To make amends, they have the new one ready just in time for turkey day, and also have a little bonus Spotlight episode coming this month as well. For this gem, Chris brought a BANGER to the podcast. It's a "movie" for sure...and it's full of martial arts, zombie ninjas, psycho monks, pretty things, and Cameron Mitchell. That's right, Blood and Black Lace's own Cameron Mitchell. What movie you ask? Why it's Raw Force. You might want a little buzz for this one because it's awesome. Cheers!