Filmed Obscura
Horror and thriller fans gather around. We invite you to listen as we watch two obscure horror/thriller movies a month and then BLOW YOUR MIND with our thoughts, opinions and insight on the films. Sometimes thought-provoking and informative but mostly ludicrous and fun, Filmed Obscura is your gateway into rare, obscure, hard to find and just plain awesome films (except one-you'll see). We also drink local beer. Thanks for listening. Hosted by Justin Adkins and Chris Herdter.
Podcasting since 2019 • 64 episodes
Filmed Obscura
Latest Episodes
Ep. 58: Top 5 Watches of 2024/Sator
The boys are finally back! Slight delays were recently afoot but the February episode is upon us (although it's dropping in March). This marks the final episode of season 7. Chris brought a solidly made, surprising and interes...
Season 7
Episode 58

Filmed Obscura Spotlight: The Passion of the Christ (with Evan Przebowski & Andrew Puglisi)
Hohoho Filmed Obscura fans! Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, and cheers to all. The boys are here with their special holiday episode for your listening pleasure. They brought back an MVP to the podcast as well as a new face to...
Season 7
Episode 58

Ep. 57: Moorehead & Benson's Spring
Happy December friends. The boys are back for another helping of awesome, somewhat obscure, movie fun. It was Justin's pick this month and he went with one of his FAVORITE films. His spirit animal...as he puts it. That f...
Season 7
Episode 57

Filmed Obscura Special Event Spotlight: Twin Peaks: The Limited Series
Hey everybody! As an added bonus, the boys put together a little Twin Peaks spotlight episode to discuss the wonders and craziness of Mark Frost and David Lynch's Showtime revival of Twin Peaks. Justin binged the hell out of it rece...
Season 7
Episode 57

Ep. 56: Top 5 Blind Buys/Raw Force
Happy Almost Thanksgiving friends! The boys are back after a little delay. Apologies are warranted because Justin and Chris had some scheduling issues that prevented them from recording and releasing the new episode in October. ...
Season 7
Episode 56