Filmed Obscura
Filmed Obscura
Ep. 49: 5 Women for the Killer
It's Season 7 time friends! Welcome back and thank you! The boys are picking obscure films that the other hasn't seen for the next ten episodes and they are super excited. Chris is kicking off this season with a solid Giallo film that borders on sleaze and intrigue. It's fun, exploitative (in a good way if that's possible), and mysterious. Solid banger to start off the season! What film say you? Why its the newer Vinegar Syndrome release of 5 Women for the Killer. The picture will be posted in the socials so seek it out...along with the beverages we're spotlighting (also in the monthly photo for this season). Cheers!
Find us on Twitter/X/Elon.com at @filmedobscura or @rustyman_51. Justin is also on IG at rustyman_51. We still don't know where Chris is on social media.