Filmed Obscura
Filmed Obscura
Ep. 44: Cruel Jaws (with Evan Przebowski)
Bruno Mattei alert. Copyright Infringement alert (not by Filmed Obscura, of course). It's rip off time! Welcome back for the perfect "summer's over" movie. Actually, it's more of the perfect summer movie, but the boys had to do Night Killer first. This month, Chris chose one of the most notorious Jaws rip off movies of all time to spotlight and let's be honest, it lived up to the reputation. So much so that Evan had to seek outside counsel after watching it. What film you ask? Why it's Cruel Jaws...also known as Jaws 5: Cruel Jaws. The boys watched the Severin release of the film which included two cuts. The version being discussed here is the Mattei Cut. So please, keep that in mind. It's no Jaws, or Jaws 4: The Revenge, or The Last Shark, or Deep Blood...but know it has footage from all of those included. Pour your beverage now...it's time to swim.