Filmed Obscura
Filmed Obscura
Ep. 38: Miami Connection (with David Wahab)
Greetings all and welcome to the tail end of January. Justin and Chris have a banger for you all this episode for the Season 5 finale. It's the perfect mix of what was fun this past season, and a great precursor for what's to come. There is also a special guest joining us and he brought the goods. What film and guest you say? Why it's Miami Connection in all it's 80s glory, with frequent listener and friend; first time guest David Wahab. Get those Florida beers ready...you're going to love this one! Cheers!
We are on social media, but don't worry about us...watch Miami Connection! Do it!
Filmed Obscura: @FilmedObscura on Twitter
Justin: @rustyman_51 on Twitter and IG
Chris: @OldTerrifier on Twitter
Theme song composed by artist Zagi2 courtesy of Freesound.org. :)