Filmed Obscura
Horror and thriller fans gather around. We invite you to listen as we watch two obscure horror/thriller movies a month and then BLOW YOUR MIND with our thoughts, opinions and insight on the films. Sometimes thought-provoking and informative but mostly ludicrous and fun, Filmed Obscura is your gateway into rare, obscure, hard to find and just plain awesome films (except one-you'll see). We also drink local beer. Thanks for listening. Hosted by Justin Adkins and Chris Herdter.
Filmed Obscura
Ep. 37: Top 5 Watches of 2022/The Spirit of Christmas
Justin Adkins & Chris Herdter
Season 5
Episode 37
Happy Holidays friends! Chris and Justin made it just in time for Christmas. Here is the ultimate episode of Christmas cheer…featuring a terrifying movie. Just kidding! The boys tackled a Hallmark movie for the first time and counted down their top 5 watches of 2022. It’s The Spirit of Christmas. Of course, nobody can forget the ongoing Holiday Special tradition. You’ll hear it in the beginning and you can watch it here: https://youtu.be/96PaQyRfNnI
We are on social media and so are our short filmmaking endeavors!
Filmed Obscura: @FilmedObscura on Twitter
Justin: @rustyman_51 on Twitter and IG
Chris: @OldTerrifier on Twitter
Theme song composed by artist Zagi2 courtesy of Freesound.org. :)